Saying goodbye...for now.

Grateful does not even begin to describe how I feel about the fact that I have been able to make a living and make indelible memories teaching my two greatest passions: language and yoga. These interests have always co-existed alongside each other - whether it was rekindling my yoga practice while living abroad in Paris as a remedy to homesickness and heartbreak or learning and teaching Sanskrit to further Nebraska yoga teachers’ understanding of the cultural and spiritual significance of what we teach you.

I’m happy to report that I absolutely love my full time job teaching French and the community at Benson High School. I’ll be headed into my fourth year at that school, my thirteenth total in education, and no one can remember comparable enrollment numbers. As opportunities to teach one passion grow, the other typically responds to accommodate. The one beautiful, grandiose project combining both French and yoga which I hoped to offer has continued to remain a giant question mark given the current state of the global pandemic.

For now, all things Thornwood Yoga related will be put on pause indefinitely as of July 23, 2021. The loose plan is to resume my dream retirement job at a later date, but, for now, there are hundreds of student horizons to broaden beyond Nebraska. You can reach me at if you’d like to stay in touch. Stop by the acreage and see what Paul and I are up to anytime.

Thank you so much for your support, trusting me to hold space for you to know yourself more, and sharing this leg of the journey together.